10 de agosto de 2008

Vilken tid!!!???

I know you stop time to time in this page trying to read what i wrote. I said you try because mostly of the time i do in spanish; i should write in swedish but there are others who read me too and they can not swedish plus i am not that all good in it, so, in order to attent all those requirements i take this post in English, spanish comes soon and probably you have to learn some of it.

Sommer is over and i have to confess that was a wonderful season. We were together after all, spent more time spected. We met indeep and now are ideas around of world, even so i am trying to walk instead to run into this relationship. I don´t wanna fall, i don´t wanna scrub it up. I have the sensation that you started to feel something similar and a great future is coming, we working for, we reaching out.

We are such a fucking differents but at the same time quit similar, dicotomy, yes it is but it is so. We couldn´t bet anything at the begining i just remember that "blind date" with a "taky" background. Thank gud we were in the same sintony which made us take it for the best way.

I am so fucking glad and you have noticed, you are also glad. We have been proving, you through big efforts to lost some kilos, being patient, eating healthy, working out, got a new job, new challengers, new situations, are open mind and hear me if i say something, you considerate my arguments.

I am impressed for your changes and the way that you stop to say some prejudges to the gayworld, now you are more into and get it clear what does mean that in so many ways. I am not a queer, queenie or obviously gay, what a fuck if i am, but the point is that probably that helps a lot to understand each other.

I am taking my swedish course; i did my english test to get the fucking record for the school, i am traning hard at the gym and pool, you enjoy the results, less fat more muscles, i keep working with my scout group and taking care of a small spanish group.

Together, have been taking long walks, talking about our lifes and plans, trying new stuffs and thinking positive. . and a matter of fack i take care of you, you take car of me, and each other has influenced to make considerable advances in our personal lifes, could this be better.

Yes it can be better. It is because when i saw you during the parade that you were waiting for me to pass by your face and the expression on it was something that i can not explain only if you have been in love can understand what i mean. There were thousands of guys but no one matters only you. I saw love in your eyes.

Pepparkaka has been taking a lot of sun under the sommar time i am really brown almost black, but you like it and turns you crazy when i wear scout uniform, little pervert :)

Right now you are in my life and i am so fucking happy.

3 comentarios:

? dijo...

Ummm, sounds very romantic to me. I'm sure he'll enjoy reading it 'cuz it came from the heart. Good luck on your relationship.


Conny dijo...

Comadrita!Me encantó tu carta a ST. Estoy segura que a el le habra gustado todavia mas. Y si, como dice Freddy suena romantico y suena a como eres tu!

Me encanto tu foto... condenadota!! que bien te estas poniendo eh??? Me parece muy bien, no perder el glamour NUNCA y asi bronceadito y tan buenooooooo, por algo andara loquito el ST!!

TE mando chorrocientos mil besos.

Ogirdor dijo...

Ay mamacitas chulas, pues esto ha sido medio aventurado, meloso por instantes pero eso si, sin duda de que es amor.
Yo hago mi parte, me esfuerzo y si hay algo que corregir pues como los alemanes, me disciplino y mejoro lo que tenga que mejorar. Siento que he encontrado esa alma gemela, ayyyy, what´s love? Baby don´t hurt me...