5 de febrero de 2008



1. You rummage through your plastic bag collection to see which ones you can keep to take to the shop and which ones can be sacrificied for rubibish.
2. The first think you do upon entering a bank/post office/chemist etc. is to look for the queue number machine and you accet that you will have to queue to take a queue number.
3. The reason you take the ferry to Finland is:
a) duty free vodka, b) duty free beer and c) to party hearty... no need to get off the boat in Helsinki, just turn around and do it again on the way back to Sweden.
4. Your coffee consumption exceeds 6 cups a day and cofee is too weak if there is less than 10 scoops per pot.
5. A sharp intake of breath has come part of you vocabulary, as has the sound "Jah hahhh".
6. Your old habit of being "fashionably late" is no longer acceptable. You are always on time.
7. Your hear loud-talking passengers on the train. You immediately assume: a) they are drunk, b) they are Finnish, c) they are American and/or d) all of them.
8. You know how to fix herring in 105 different ways.
9. You no longer look at sports pants as casual wear, but recognze them as semi-formal wear.
10. Your front step is beginning to resemble a shoe shop.
11. You have undergone a trnsformation: a) you accept blodkorv as food, b) you accept surströmming as food, c) you accept alcohol as food and/or d) you accept.
12. You know that more than three channels means cable.
13. When someone asks for "three cheers" you say "hoorah, hoorah, hoorah, hoorah!"
14. You think that riding a bicycle in the snow is a perfectly sensible thing to do.
15. You have conversations with people outside when it is -10c.
16. Having to book seat numbers at a cinema makes perfect sense. And you sit in your booked seat even if there are only two other people there and your sear is in the front row, on the side.
17. You regard it as sensible that the ice cream van comes around playing that annoying song when it is -15c.
18. It is acceptable to eat lunch at 11 O´clock.
... to be continue.
(Liga´s CR).

4 comentarios:

? dijo...

Thanks for sharing this info. I've never been to Sweden, but I certainly enjoy learning this type of things about it. I found it fascinating.
Thanks again!

Lorena dijo...

jajaja, cierto, cierto ;-) y supongo que continuara, hay varias cosas mas.. por ejemplo salir de la discoteca sin pedir tu abrigo, a fumar un cigarro aun cuando hace un frio que te pelas...

Ogirdor dijo...

Acá su servilleta, qué bueno que les haya gustado.

Unknown dijo...

Estas cosas dan mucha risa.... sobre todo cuando ya las había visto en un periódico Finlandés... y en el Nº 3 aqui lo dicen yendo a Tallin o Tukholma (Estocolmo)...

Echale un ojo:
You Know You Have Been In Finland Too Long, When...


Saludos desde Finlandia